Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Samuel Taylor Coleridge...

Do you ask what the birds say?
The dove, the sparrow, the linnet and thrush say
“I love and I love”.
In winter they are silent, the wind is so strong,
What is says I don’t know, but it sings a loud song.
But the spring leaves and blossoms
And sunny warm weather
And singing and loving
All come back together.
But the lark is so brimful of gladness and love,
The green fields below him, the blue sky above,
That he sings and he sings and forever sings he:
“I Love my Love and my Love loves me!”


Anonymous said...

taam, ara, kbili ar mtkiva:) ubralod shemovixede, ertob movixible, meramdened mivxvdi rogor menatrebi da commentis datoveba gadavckvite. gkocni:))) ana momikitxe da gamoascore rameprad sheni samsaxuris msn.

tamuna said...

mec dzalian, dzalian, dzalian, uzomod menatrebi... da dzalian mixaria rom male chamoxval. chemi samsaxuris msn-s ar vici rame tu eshveleba, nervebs mishlis. anu tu eucrad offline var es ar nishnavs, rom kompiuteri gamovcvale!!! :)))) ici rasac vgulisxmob :)))