Sunday, March 18, 2007

Walt Whitman...

Why should I be afraid to trust myself to you?
I am not afraid, I have been well brought forward
     to you,
I love the rich running day, but I do not desert her
     in whom I lay so long,
I know not how I came of you and I know not where
I go with you, but I know I came well and shall go well.

I will stop only a time with the night, and rise betimes,
I will duly pass the day O my mother, and duly
     return to you.


Love, that is all the earth to lovers -
     love, that mocks time and space,
Love, that is day and night - love, that is sun and moon
     and stars,
Love, that is crimson, sumptuous, sick with perfume,
No other words but words of love, no other thought
     but love.

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